Tuesday, February 5, 2019

February 5, 2019

MY CORNER by Boyd Cathey

NEWEST ESSAY Published by CHRONICLES Magazine: On Governor Northam and the Racist Template


I substantially reworked the last installment of MY CORNER, from Sunday, February 3, titled,Virginia Governor Northam, Racism, and the Gadarene Swine of 2019,” and it was picked up almost immediately by CHRONICLES Magazine, and now appears on the magazine’s online site. Below I pass it on to you.

CHRONICLES, as I have written previously, is the leading print journal representing traditional Old Right conservatism in America today. Founded in 1976, over the years it has published some of the finest authors in the Anglosphere on serious and critical topics—education, foreign policy, the role of women in society, racial issues, states’ rights and constitutionalism, while not neglecting the Western and Christian literary and cultural heritage vouchsafed to us by generations who have gone before. Although there are several fine online magazines that do similar journeyman’s work (CHRONICLES offers an online version as well), it is this journal, published by the Rockford Institute,  that is a must read for those truly interested in our endangered legacy as a people.

I recommend strongly that you subscribe to this monthly journal. In our times—in this critical moment of our history—CHRONICLES is a life-line, an indispensable shield and buckler as we do battle against the enemies of our civilization.

To enter a subscription please go to:  https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/my-account/subscribe/  You will not regret it—and you will have in your hands each month a veritable and well-written “weapon” of inestimable worth in the ongoing defense of our culture.


virginia governor northam, racism, and the gadarene swine of 2019
By: Boyd D. Cathey | February 04, 2019
You would have thought Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam had been a co-conspirator in the assassination of Martin Luther King, given the reaction to what appeared to be a page in his 1984 Eastern Virginia Medical School yearbook.
Both the Democrats on the Left and the “virtue-signaling” Republicans and movement conservatives—that is, the near entirety of the political spectrum—howled and bayed: it was time for Northam to step down because of a “racist” depiction, made some thirty-five years ago when he was a student, which he now says he was not in. And, despite his profuse apologies to any and every one in earshot, it was not at all clear that he would survive the political maelstrom.
The national media, including especially Fox News, have run with this story nearly every minute of the day like a hound dog after a scared fox: For the Left and Democrats this is an immense embarrassment, an incredible political fiasco. For the establishment conservatives, this is an opportunity to demonstrate their “anti-racist” virtuousness to anyone in sight listening or watching: “Hey, look we conservatives aren’t racists; it’s you Democrats who harbor such folks!”
Of course, Northam should step down, but not because of a juvenile prank he may or may not have committed nearly forty years ago. But rather for his despicable and incredibly evil support for what, in effect, is infanticide—the murder of infants who have just been born, who are outside the womb: his horrid comments that he made earlier last week endorsing a bill introduced into the Virginia legislature that would permit just that.
A few years ago, in a better and more civilized and more moral time, such commentary, such support for what is in fact selective murder of the newly-born would have drawn mighty condemnations from leaders of both political parties and outrage throughout our society. Yet, with scandalous uniformity, the leaders of the Democratic Party all rather lamely declared that they had not seen or heard of Northam’s comments (e.g. Nancy Pelosi). Nothing must impede, you see, the onward march of the pro-abortion Gadarene Swine who now give form and direction to the once-estimable party of Jefferson and Cleveland, of Harry Byrd and Richard Russell, in their headlong plunge into the dark and truly demonic anti-life Abyss.
The major media paid scant, almost no attention to Northam’s earlier comments. They had to act that way. For millions of nervous Americans abortion is no longer an issue they wish to confront. All the mounting scientific evidence about life, about its real existence from conception, about the constant, if downplayed, examples of gruesome killing—the horrific case of Dr. Kermit Gosnell stands out—are a mere inconvenience. Indeed, for the militant feminists and their follow-along supporters, abortion has become in reality a new sacrament, a kind of badge of honor, a symbol of an immense and furious rebellion against Creation and against Nature, itself. It is the ultimate attempt to free themselves from who they are and how they were created . . . and, despite their claims to the contrary, it is the ultimate rejection of personhood and any real dignity associated with it.
That was Northam’s egregious and irremediable error—he, a sitting governor and a major player in the Democratic hierarchy, spoke openly of what is now the template of his political party, and which even many mainstream Republicans no longer appear willing to challenge.
But it took the yearbook depiction—a juvenile romp nearly four decades ago—to secure notice from the Mainstream Media, and then only due to an investigation by some conservatives out to attack Northam. And it gave the minions of “Conservatism, Inc.” the opportunity to brag loudly about how THEY were not racists, how the Democratic Party had a “long history of racism,” and to beat their breasts and signal THEIR unsullied virtue.
And it also, in the long run, plays into the dynamic that rules our contemporary society: that racism along with “toxic”—white—“masculinity” are the major obstacles facing us on that painful road to true “equality.” It is a chimerical goal, a dangerous and false “god” that leads to the dissolution and destruction of our culture and civilization. It means the “cleansing” of our heritage and of our traditions; it means the radical indoctrination of our youth; it means the ultimate conversion of this country into something totally unrecognizable to the Founders and Framers; it means in effect rebellion against God and His order of things.
The establishment conservatives, in their abject fear of those on their left and in an attempt to gain some political points, whether they understand it or not, have eagerly bought into this template. They conspicuously join the howling mob and condemn racism, racism in any form as defined by the latest dogmatic ukase emitted by the revolutionary Left.  
Where does it all end? If a student prank from 1984 can cause such a furor and silent monuments to Confederate veterans of 155 years ago (most of whom had no slaves but were fighting for their homes and states) can become the center of such hysteria as we have seen in recent months, let us ask: was not the very Founding of this nation, itself, also “racist?” For was not this nation, following the progressivist narrative, founded by “racists” and founded on a “racist” Constitution? Indeed, isn’t our very civilization racist and unequal by this definition? And if that be the case, then the egalitarian logic of the revolutionary post-Marxist Workers’ World Party in a way makes some sense: everything must be overturned and obliterated, and a veritable new order established—a new dystopian order that will make Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four seem like a libertarian paradise in comparison.
The feeble attempts by Republicans and establishment conservatives to prove to the farther Left and mainstream just how “virtuous” and free of racism they are only enable the extremist Left, the race hustlers, and demonic feminists, and their template and their mad ideology.
And that leads to a fate far worse than that of the Gadarene Swine.

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