Saturday, November 28, 2020

                                                             November 28, 2020


MY CORNER by Boyd Cathey


A Review of the New Third Edition of  THE SOUTH WAS RIGHT!


REVIEW: James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy. The South Was Right! Third, Newly-revised edition, Shotwell Publishing, Columbia, SC 2020.

Every once in a while a book is published which takes its place as critically significant and pivotal—which has an influence and reach far beyond other similar studies or writings—in how a culture and society see themselves, and how they see their past and also perhaps their future. For Southerners aware of their history and traditions or desirous of (re)discovering them, so it was in years past with Richard Weaver’s monumental study, The Southern Tradition at Bay (originally published in 1968). And before that the work of the Twelve Southern Regionalists, I’ll Take My Stand (1930), a book never out of print and still very influential today ninety years after its first publication. And one must add to these the various works and essays of the late Mel Bradford, perhaps the modern South’s most brilliant author and defender.

Just this past November 3, 2020—election day, ironically—the newly-revised third edition of James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy’s The South Was Right! was published. And that publication is a truly signal event. For it incorporates the insights and understanding of Southern history, specifically the justice and rightness of our ancestors in 1861-1865, and brings them forward to our own perilous times when it seems that everything Southern, everything we hold dear and we honor, the very living memory and inheritance of our ancestors…indeed, the very existence of Western Christian civilization on this continent, which found its most noble expression in the South of our ancestors…is under merciless, perhaps mortal assault.

Since The South Was Right! was first published in 1991 and then published in a second edition in 1994, much history—far too much of it terribly negative—has fitfully passed us by and oftentimes seems to overwhelm us. The South Was Right! in this new edition from Shotwell Publishing is like a powerful shield and buckler which can offer us indispensable support not only in the defense of our Confederate heritage and our Southern civilization, but also provide us with ample ammunition to go forward on the offensive, to begin the arduous, difficult, but still possible effort of regaining our history, our culture and our birthright.

The late Mel Bradford used the expression “remembering who we are” in several of his works. Indeed, his 1985 book of trenchant essays carries that title: Remembering Who We Are: Observations of A Southern Conservative. But for Bradford, as also for the Kennedy brothers, it is not just the imperative to awaken the memory and legacy of our ancestors and of their inheritance, but to fathom it in its fullness and to know that that inheritance, that culture, those beliefs and that faith are profoundly nourished by traditions and foundations that go back two millennia, that are real….And that despite their apparent eclipse by our contemporary society which despises them and seeks to abolish them, they still offer sustenance and illumination for us—if we let them.

Certainly, such a return to, as the pro-Southern poet Robert Lee Frost once wrote, “the truths we keep coming back and back to” (cf. “The Black Cottage”), is fraught with extreme risks and severe danger in our day and time. We are called racists and neo-Confederates, or “white supremacists” and worse if we defend our heroes of 1861-1865. Our reputations are besmirched; we are doxxed by vicious radicals; even our livelihoods are threatened.

Yet, in our heart-of-hearts we know with President Jefferson Davis, that “Truth crushed to earth is truth still and like a seed will rise again.”  

The Kennedy brothers understand, they fathom this, and they have set upon the path of both defending “who we are” and reclaiming our real history and existence as a people from those who would destroy and eradicate them. Here, in this volume, is a veritable goldmine of vital factual information and history grounded in a foundation of truth and faith which we all should digest and know. For once armed and strong in the Faith we may go forward and do battle as our ancestors once did on the fields on Manassas and Chancellorsville. 

We have only that choice—or, the ignominious and miserable disappearance from the annals of history.  The Kennedys chart our course, and we should follow them.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

                                                      November 22, 2020


MY CORNER by Boyd Cathey


“A Conspiracy so Immense….?” The Election of 2020


This past Friday morning, November 20, I altered my television news viewing preferences: now if I watch news programs, it is to Newsmax TV that I go. Not Fox.  No way. Yes, I will drop in to Tucker Carlson on occasion during prime time, and maybe a few minutes of Laura Ingraham or Hannity, or the Fox “All-Stars”—although seeing the nauseously loathsome Jonah Goldberg there the other night spout a stream of unadulterated venom against President Trump literally caused me to lose my supper (Jonah’s unrestrained hatred for Trump has never been that well-hidden, nor his fealty to the Deep State; his brand of “kept whorish (neo)conservatism” is one of the major defects of what my friend Paul Gottfried calls establishment “conservatism Inc.” It now seems to increasingly dominate at Fox).

I’m not going to rehash the bizarre spat that has erupted between the Carlson program and Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell. Except to comment that I found Tucker’s insistence that Powell provide all her evidence of election fraud to his program only a week after the Trump Campaign team began their investigations to be somewhat incongruous, given his past history of continuous reporting as events develop. It seemed so out of character for Carlson to say what he did; whereas I found Powell’s response (on the Maria Bartiromo program) to be quite believable and rational: “Apparently Mr. Carlson missed the news conference today. I would continue to encourage him and all journalists to review all the materials we have provided so far and conduct their own investigations. Evidence continues to pour in, but a 5 minute television hit is not my focus now. Collecting evidence and preparing the case are my top priorities.” She added that she did not get angry as Carlson stated (it is apparent that it was not Carlson personally who contacted her, but rather a lower-level Fox staffer, who in turn reported the “anger” incident back to Carlson).

For a nation that has been forced to experience the fabricated Steele Dossier, the Russia Hoax, the Impeachment Charade, the Ukrainian Caper, the political use of our Intel agencies, not to mention all the other blatant (and not so blatant) attempts to undo the results of the 2016 election (which the Deep State apparatchiks consider to have been a fluke—they didn’t do enough to prevent outsider Trump from winning)—and each time with only partial data developing over time, why this insistence that everything be laid out on the table only a few days after the election?

Powell made it explicit in her detailed news conference this past Thursday, November 19, that she and the other Trump attorneys, including Jenna Ellis, Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani, were constrained by an incredibly immense and constantly mounting amount of evidence, and that they were attempting to piece it all together in coherent form to present judicially in a matter of only a couple of weeks (due to various certification deadlines)—a task that under the most favorable conditions would probably take many months. That’s not the kind of presentation that can be made easily, even on the Tucker Carlson Program.

Let me add: I watched the Powell-Ellis-Giuliani presser. Indeed, they did promise a lot…a very high bar to meet legally and in the courtroom of public opinion. And even with what they might gather in the few weeks or days they have, it still might not meet judicial muster, not in so short a space of time, not without a numerous investigative staff doing full-time research and sleuthing. After all, the Mueller Investigation (which spent tens of millions of dollars of tax payer dollars) took from May 2017 until March 2019 and came up with up with literally nothing despite the best efforts of thirty Democrat attorneys and their staffs laboring like worker ants.

There is incredible pressure, not just from the Left and the Democrats, but now from Republicans “to be done with this” (e.g, Marc Thiessen on Fox) to get on to a “peaceful” transition back into the arms of the Deep State…for “the sake of our democracy.”

But unlike some—think here of the recently-installed Biden-is-president-you-can’t-dissent template at Fox—I don’t have faith in the American election process, I don’t have that unquestioning faith that this election was just hunky-dory. Maybe fifty years ago, maybe when I was a boy growing up in old-fashioned North Carolina, maybe in the small town where I spent my youth. But not now…too much has happened.

And what has come out thus far…the data that I have seen…the brief outline and analyses…all of that, again, all of that, points in one direction. Yes, Sidney Powell isn’t going to get on the boob tube and reveal her entire case—no self-respecting attorney would do that in a similar situation. Indeed, Trump attorneys have already been physically threatened by Deep State agents, to the point that police protection has been granted. Given the momentous nature of this process, is that any wonder? If the managerial elites are capable of what they have consistently done (just the portion we know about) during the past few years, are they not equally capable of far more if they understand their potential return to power thwarted by some dedicated investigative attorneys who haven’t “gotten the memo” and “drunk the cool aid”?

Think about it.

If we can suffer through what has occurred over the past four years and the growing realization that there is in fact an immense Deep State with its tentacles stretching out everywhere, that our nation is, in spite of what happened in November 2016 and the popular MAGA rebellion against the advancing control of every aspect of our lives: if we can experience that and the realization of what British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once wrote (in his novel, Coningsby, 1844)—“For you see, the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”—if we have begun to actually comprehend that, then the position of Powell, Ellis, Lin Wood, and Rudy Giuliani is entirely reasonable and extremely urgent.

Certainly, absolutely, what the Trump attorneys are saying is earth-shaking, perhaps the most significant event of modern American history. But given our recent history, all the accumulated and unimaginable skullduggery, and the obvious collapse of anything resembling “democracy,” why is it not something we can legitimately envision?

Of course, like Tucker Carlson—and millions of Trump supporters and deeply troubled Americans—I want to know more, I want to see all the damning evidence. I believe in my heart-of-hearts that indeed there is that evidence and that, if ever revealed, it might change the election result and the direction of this country. But the nature of this situation, of this crisis, requires of us some patience; time and deadlines are not on our side.

Well-known cultural critic and author Roger Kimball sums up what many of us feel these days, using an illustration from Roman history. Like us all he is impatient, but also cognizant that so much is at stake and that Powell and company have their very livelihoods and reputations in the history books riding on what they produce:  “I really do not know what is going to happen,” he writes. “The clock is ticking, loudly. Sometimes it seems that Trump would need a miracle akin to the ‘miracle of the lightning’ or the ‘miracle of the rain’ that saved Marcus Aurelius and his generals in their battles against revolting German tribes in the early 170s AD…they were about to succumb when [they were] snatched…from ignominious defeat. Those dei ex machina were stunning, unpredictable, salvific.  Can Donald Trump count on something similar? No. Could it nonetheless happen? You betcha.”  


I’ve collected literally dozens of articles and items on this election, too many to send out all at once…including several concerning the very strange and highly suspicious actions of the disappearing executives of Dominion Voting Systems, whose machines were used in as many as thirty states and are easily programmable and hackable. But I’ve selected three today, which I urge you to read and ponder. They address the sheer improbability, given what we know, of a Biden victory.

First, I pass on a short analytical piece by Nick Chase in The American Thinker (November 12). Once again I quote Disraeli, who once said (also attributed to Mark Twain), “there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” Chase’s article is just one of many delving into the stupefying statistical improbability of what happened on November 3 and subsequently.

Examining the code, internet geeks conclude 'Trump's win was yuuuge'   November 12, 2020

By Nick Chase

Around 1:30 in the morning of Nov. 4, when I went to bed, Trump was leading in the vote count in two Midwest swing states I was closely watching, Wisconsin — about 2%, and Michigan — about 3%, well on his way to an "unexpected" election victory nationwide.

Around 4:30 A.M., I woke early and decided to catch up on the election results on my iPhone, being careful not to wake my wife.  Imagine my surprise to see that, overnight, Trump's lead had shrunk to less than 1% in Wisconsin and about 1.5% in Michigan.  But what really startled me was that Biden's raw vote total had increased substantially in both states, and Trump's raw vote total had not changed at all!

That is an enormous red flag for fraud being committed, and I knew right away that the Democrats, who had failed at dislodging Trump from office by impeachment, were now going to deny him victory by stealing the election.  Further confirmation came when I saw the pictures and video of mystery bags and boxes being dragged into Detroit's TCF Center at 4 A.M., followed by the windows in the room being boarded up and by the ejection of Republican poll-watchers.

Well, the election theft appears to be complete, with the corrupt media declaring Biden president-elect, and lefties dancing in the streets (unmasked!) with joy.

So I asked myself, by how much did Trump actually win this election if the fraudulent votes are not included?

Fortunately, the internet geeks have been busy massaging the election data for statistical anomalies, and today (Nov. 11), I got my answer (partly) from information posted via The Gateway Pundit by blogger "PedeInspector" (whom I will refer to as "Pede").

Perhaps you saw the video of a network Election Night broadcast made by a person (not identified), also posted on The Gateway Pundit, which showed a sudden switch of votes from Trump to Biden in Pennsylvania the night of Nov. 3.  I took two screen shots from that video.  Before the switch: [access the above link to see these screen shots]

After: [access the link]

You can see that, almost instantly, 19,958 votes were stolen from Trump, and 19,958 votes were added to Biden's total.  The timestamp on the video (not shown in my pictures) is 10:23 P.M. (CST).

Well, this video also intrigued "Pede," and he (or she) went to work.  Pennsylvania uses Dominion voting systems, which forward their data to Edison Research, which then Javascript-encodes it and sends it on to the New York Times and the networks.  So "Pede" downloaded the Edison data for Pennsylvania from the New York Times at this address and analyzed it to locate all similar vote switches, as well as for votes that just went missing.  (Although I've given you the link, I wouldn't bother opening it, because it's just a big pile of Javascript code that's incomprehensible to the naked eye unless you know your Javascript.)  In the Javascript code, "Pede" located the specific code that changed the voting percentages for Trump and Biden:

Even if you're not a computer programmer, you can still see that the code changed the percentages shown in my pictures from Trump 56.6%, Biden 42.0% to Trump 56.0%, Biden 42.6%.  (The code that caused the switch of 19,958 votes is buried elsewhere in the Javascript code.  The "votes" shown are total votes cast, including for minor parties, and are not useful information here.)  The timestamp on these events is Nov. 4, 4:07 A.M. GMT (10:07 P.M. CST Nov. 3) and Nov. 4, 4:08 A.M. GMT (10:08 P.M. CST Nov. 3).  The 15-minute gap before this switch showed up on the TV is likely due to a delay in updating the Pennsylvania info at the network.

Now, I know nothing about "Pede," but as you can see, the vote switch was shown on TV, and "Pede" located that percentage switch in the code, which means that "Pede" is working with real data and has the skills needed to identify the code and expose the anomalies.  My experience has been that geeky internet bloggers are a hell of a lot more honest than most any politician, and I think we can safely proceed on the assumption that the research "Pede" has done is offered in good faith.  (The only clue to "Pede's" identity is that "Pede" refers to the events as "Nr. 187" and "Nr. 188", using the European abbreviation for "number" instead of the American "No." which suggests that "Pede" was born or educated overseas.)

As "Pede" puts it, "I made a script to run through the data and gather all instances where votes switched from Trump to Biden.  'Lost Votes' means that the total amount of votes counted decreased by that amount throughout the counting."

Here are the results "Pede" found for the swing states:

Pennsylvania: Switched, 220,883; Lost Votes, 941,248

Florida: Switched, 21,422; Lost Votes, 456

Michigan: Switched, 20,213; Lost Votes, 21,882

Georgia: Switched, 17,407; Lost Votes, 33,574

Wisconsin: Switched, 2,078; Lost Votes, 3,408

North Carolina: Switched, 0; Lost Votes, 15


Arizona: Switched, 4,492; Lost Votes, 0

Minnesota: Switched, 2,766; Lost Votes, 195,650

Colorado: Switched, 1,809; Lost Votes, 0

Nevada: Switched, 0 Lost Votes, 0

Remember, these numbers are for electronic fraud, above and beyond the paper-ballot fraud also committed and which is slowly being uncovered and documented.

Here's what I think happened:

The crooked Democrats actually believed their own propaganda — that Biden would win easily or that, at worst, it would be a tight race.  So they created enough fraudulent paper ballots to be inserted into the counting to overcome any worst-case situation for them, which would be a "squeaker" Trump win.  But Trump still led in the upper Midwest, even with the paper-ballot fraud, so they had to switch or destroy enough votes electronically to give Biden a "squeaker" win.

But as the votes were being counted on Election Night, it was quickly clear that Trump had a blowout win in Pennsylvania, far more than could be fraudulently papered over, so electronic fraud there went into overdrive, allowing it to be easily detected.  (Although "lost votes" apply to the total vote count, forgive me if I suspect that most of them are Trump votes being thrown away.)

As of midnight on Nov. 11, the candidates' vote totals, corrected for "Pede"-detected vote switches, are as follows:

Pennsylvania: Trump 3,550,163; Biden 3,159,698.  Trump wins (55.5% to 44.5%).

Michigan: Trump 2,668,046; Biden 2,774,61.

Georgia: Trump 2,475,263; Biden 2,454,538.  Trump wins (50.5% to 49.5%).

Nick Chase is a retired but still very active writer, editor, and webmaster and records classical music concerts for radio broadcast.  You can read more of his work on the American Thinker website and at


A second example from probability and statistical analysis: On Newsmax TV noted pundit, journalist and author Steve Cortes offered the following analogy—It is highly improbable that a baseball pitcher will pitch a perfect game in the World Series. To achieve a perfect game, a team must not allow any opposing player to reach base by any means, including hitswalkshit batsmenuncaught third strikescatcher's or fielder's interference, or fielding errors; in short, "27 up, 27 down" (for a nine-inning game). There has been only one perfect game in World Series history (Don Larsen in 1956, New York Yankees over the Brooklyn Dodgers).  For Biden to have won the election would be like a team winning four straight perfect games in the World Series. That, is so many words, stretches all credulity.

STEVE CORTES: The Statistical Case Against Biden’s Win

Statistics continue to cast real doubt on the probability of a President Trump loss in the election. The statistical case is, admittedly, circumstantial rather than conclusive.  But the numbers also firmly point to the intense improbability of the accuracy of the present Biden lead. The statistical case provides more than enough reasonable suspicion to require hand recounts and immediate investigation into fraudulent activities, including the new damning revelations of on-the-record whistleblowers.

There are four key elements to the numerical thesis:


Clearly, high turnout was expected in an intensely political year with vastly expanded access to mail-in voting. But the kinds of numbers reported simply defy reasonable expectations.

For Wisconsin overall, the turnout was above 90% of registered voters. Even in a state with same-day registration, such a number seems implausible. After all, in Australia, a place where voting is mandatory, and failing to vote is punishable with stiff fines, the total turnout for the most recent election was still only 92%.

Even more importantly, looking within the Wisconsin vote, the decisive locale for Biden was, unsurprisingly, Milwaukee. Wisconsin’s largest city reported an 84% turnout to secure a 145,916 vote lead there for Biden.

Consider a comparison to another very similar Midwestern city, Cleveland, OH. Milwaukee has a population of 590,000, 67% of them minorities. Cleveland has 381,000 people with 60% of them minorities. But Milwaukee’s 84% turnout dwarfs Cleveland’s more believable 51% turnout rate. Like many of the suspect statistical trends evident from last Tuesday, the abnormal factors favoring Biden seem only present in the key swing states that Biden allegedly won.


The breakouts higher for Biden relative to Obama’s performances in key areas simply do not seem credible. Could a candidate as doddering and lazy as Biden really have massively outpaced the vote totals of a politician who boasted rock star appeal?

For example, consider that in key Pennsylvania counties of Chester, Cumberland, and Montgomery, Biden bested the Obama election performances by factors of 1.24-1.43 times. For Montgomery County, Obama won this swing county by 59,000 votes in his 2012 re-election.

But in 2020, Biden won Montgomery County by a whopping 131,000 votes, more than twice the prior Obama margin. Biden’s 2020 total vote in Montgomery is reported at 313,000, crushing Obama’s 233,000 take in 2012 – and population growth does not explain the gains, as the county only grew by 22,000 residents during those eight years.

Such eye-popping outperformance vs. Obama, in just the right places, naturally raises a lot of suspicion.  

3. Biden-Only Ballots

Trump campaign legal counsel Sidney Powell reports that, nationwide, over 450,000 Biden-only ballots were cast, meaning the voter allegedly selected Biden but then neglected down-ballot candidates, including closely-contested Senate and House races.

Again, this phenomenon appears far more prominently in battleground states, raising the alarm for manipulation.

Why would so many people vote Biden–only in battleground Georgia, but not in deeply-red Wyoming, for instance? In the Peach State, President Trump’s vote total almost exactly tracked the vote totals for the Republican senate candidates, separated by merely 818 votes out of 2.43 million votes Trump earned there. But, Joe Biden saw an astounding surplus of 95,801 votes over the Democratic Senate candidates.

By comparison, in Wyoming Biden only registered a surplus “Biden-only” take of just 725 votes over the Democratic Senate candidate there, or about 1/4th his take in in Georgia, on a percentage basis.

The Biden-only ballots do not conclusively prove fraud, but they sure reek of something very amiss.


Democratic governors clamored for massive amounts of mail-in voting, knowing full well that most states would become overwhelmed and wholly unable to establish the validity and legality of almost all the votes that poured in via mail.

In the case of Pennsylvania, Governor Wolf made such changes unilaterally, in stark violation of Pennsylvania law and in contradiction of the clear US Constitutional assignment of voting regulatory authority to state legislatures, not governors. Governor Wolf’s election boards clearly just accepted the ballots… en masse, without appropriate vetting. By their own admission, the scant 0.03% of rejected ballots represents a refusal rate that is just 1/30th the level of 2016 in Pennsylvania.

First-time mail-in voters typically see a rejection rate of about 3% historically, or 100 times the rejection rate of Pennsylvania in 2020.

When neighboring New York state moved to widespread mail-in voting this summer, their election officials rejected 21% of mailed ballots in June, representing a rate 700 times higher than Pennsylvania’s.

This total lack of filtering or controls raises enormous suspicion regarding a seriously-tainted ballot pool in the Keystone State.


The statistical case, in isolation, does not prove fraud. But the confluence of highly unlikely results does, emphatically, paint of picture of utter improbability. Any one of these four factors alone would cast intense doubt upon election results. Put all four together, and the result is a seemingly impossible statistical perfect storm.

To use a sports analogy, it would be a team pitching a perfect game in the World Series. Not one game, nor two…but in all four games to “sweep” via pitching perfection.

Is it possible? Theoretically, sure. Is it probable?  Hell no – and so, we must commence with a vigorous audit as the future of our republic hangs in the balance.


Finally, even more convincingly, journalist and author Al Perrota sums up the actual improbability of a Biden victory. No, it’s not the actual “evidence” that some are demanding…but in every way it points to it and to a fraudulent and stolen election:

It’s Just Coincidence … The Miraculous Circumstances of Joe’s Alleged ‘Win’

By AL PERROTTA Published on November 16, 2020 

I love coincidences! And right now, we are surrounded by so many, we can pick ’em like daisies and make a lovely bouquet. If Joe Biden … the man who thought he was running for the Senate and couldn’t draw flies to a manure factory … actually won, it would be the result of the most amazing run of coincidences in modern world history. 

The Lucky Coincidences of Dominion and Friends

Sure, it is mere coincidence that the president of Smartmatic, the subsidiary of Dominion Voting Systems, the software and hardware responsible for tabulating ballots in swing states and beyond, is now part of the Biden transition team.

Sure, it’s a coincidence that Smartmatic’s chairman is a pal and business associate of George Soros.

Sure, it’s a coincidence that Smartmatic’s software has a long history of being used in dubious elections worldwide. 

Sure, it’s a coincidence the same media that used to report on the issues with Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems are suddenly silent about their own past reporting. 

Sure, it is a coincidence that the top security guy at Dominion is an Antifa guy who allegedly told an Antifa chat room in September, “Don’t worry about the election, Trump’s not gonna win. I made f*cking sure of that!”

Sure, it is a coincidence that so many Democratic-controlled states choose Dominion Election Systems to tabulate their ballots despite security flaws so egregious the Associated Press and election security experts were shouting about it from the rooftops.

Sure, it is a coincidence that Dominion’s lobbyists include Pelosi’s former chief of staff and a top aide to Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp.

Sure, it is a coincidence that Georgia announced it was halting counting for four hours because of “a pipe burst” … when, in fact, they lied about a minor leak fixed in 90 minutes.

Sure, it’s a coincidence that Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation and George Soros.

Sure, it is a coincidence that the six states that suddenly and inexplicably stopped counting were the six swing states where Trump had built a massive lead. All about the same time.

Sure, it is a coincidence these six states all had the Dominion Voting System.

The Coincidence of Joe of Winning Big Exactly Where He Needed to Win

Sure, it’s a coincidence that Joe Biden outperformed Hillary Clinton in four and only four major cities … and all four just happened to be in four swing states that stopped the count and had masses of votes for Biden pop up out of nowhere, and saw Biden score numbers and percentages Obama and Clinton could only dream of. Indeed, the vote totals in these place often exceeded the number of registered voters.

Sure, it’s a coincidence that Donald Trump won 19 of the 20 counties that have picked the winner of every single presidential election since Reagan by an average of 16, but Biden pulled off the win.

Sure, it’s a coincidence that state races were quickly called for Biden and not called for Trump. 

Sure, it is a coincidence Biden managed to add countless votes overnight right after witnesses swear (under penalty of law) they saw wagons and coolers and crates of ballots role in ballot centers … in swing state cities where Biden was running further behind than expected.

Sure, it’s a coincidence that the rejection rate for mail-in ballots dropped by a factor of 30 in Pennsylvania

Sure, it’s a coincidence that, according to Sidney Powell, nearly half a million ballots were cast with only Joe Biden’s name marked and nothing down ballot. 

Other Glorious Coincidences

Sure, it’s just a coincidence USBs and election laptops were stolen in both Philadelphia and Georgia in the days before the election.

Sure, it is a coincidence that Pfizer waited until after the election to announce its vaccine success … and that the president of Joe Biden’s cancer charity is a former Pfizer executive.

Sure, it’s a coincidence that the only tweets that Twitter is blocking or flagging are ones that deviate from the “Biden Won” narrative. 

Sure, it’s a coincidence that analysts or websites that question the narrative are being kicked off social media and/or de-platformed.

What are the Odds?

What are the odds of all of these coincidences and oddities occurring in this election? All in Biden’s favor? What is more reasonable to believe? These are all amazing coincidences or not coincidence at all? What is the more reasonable explanation: 

Joe Biden won crucial swing states fair and square — despite getting blown away in bellweather Ohio and Florida, despite being down by hundreds of thousands of votes until the mysterious shutdowns in counting, despite Trump outperforming Biden campaign’s own expectations, despite underperforming Hillary Clinton everywhere else in the country, despite not campaigning, despite having no ground game, despite having zero enthusiasm, despite losing support among minorities, despite pushing policies at odds with the desires of the public, despite aligning himself with BLM and Antifa. And despite having trouble executing a coherent sentence.


Joe Biden was given a “victory” in those crucial swing cities — via the assistance of election hardware and software notoriously susceptible to fraud and manipulation, owned and operated by people with alliances to Biden and the Democrats and hell-bent on getting Trump out; via Democratic (and corrupt) machines in Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee and Atlanta hell-bent on winning, taking advantage of a dubious “mail-in ballot” scheme and last minute voting procedure changes via cities where workers were caught dragging crates of ballots, creating Biden votes out of thin air, and refused to allow Republicans to watch the counting of mail-in ballots; via postal workers told to backdate late ballots; via workers illegally tossed voting envelopes, where signature matching was greatly reduced or tossed out all-together. 

We are being ordered to ignore common sense, public data, election history, Biden’s history and our own eyes. Just concede defeat and accept the beating. (Literally, in the case of Trump supporters at the hands of Biden’s BLM and Antifa Brigades.) What are the odds of the American people letting that happen?

A Trip to Vegas

We leave you with this. If there is one city on the planet that knows odds and knows corruption it’s Las Vegas. Conservative commentator Wayne Root happens to be a former odds-maker and gaming expert. He notes some extremely peculiar betting behavior Election Night and into the next day. Read how he and fellow bookies smell a rat

Of course, maybe it’s all coincidence. But I’m not betting on it.  


And neither am I.

  July 3, 2024     MY CORNER by Boyd Cathey   The Real Meaning of July 4th and the Heresy of Lincolnian Interpretation            ...