Friday, January 12, 2018

January 12, 2018

MY CORNER by Boyd Cathey

Hitting Back at the Amnesty Crowd: President Trump was Exactly Right in What He Said: We Don't Want or Need More Immigrants from Failed and Dysfunctional Countries


Leave it up to South Carolina’s US Senator Lindsey Graham to make anything “rough”—any off-color language—that President Trump says, sound totally justified. That’s exactly what happened yesterday that has the entirety of the mainstream media, including Fox News, all atwitter about one barnyard word that the president supposedly used (in what was ostensibly a private meeting with a small group of pro-amnesty senators, including Graham).

Yes, the media would have us believe that it was the president’s reported use of that word—“s---hole”—as applied to certain countries that illustrates how uncouth, how “tone deaf,” how “unfit” the president is. Confronted in the meeting by a “bipartisan” group of three Democrat (notably Dick Durbin) and three GOP senators (Graham, Jeff Flake, and Cory Gardner of Colorado)—all of whom are pro-amnesty, open border zealots—who presented to him a “compromise” on illegal immigration that basically would wave a magic wand and “normalize” the DACA recipients and other illegals, including providing a “pathway to citizenship,” and open the doors to immigration from Latin America and Africa (including citizenship)—given these rehashed, warmed over snake-oil proposals (that Graham, Flake and Durbin have been selling since the infamous and abortive “gang of eight” proposals years ago), President Trump reacted very negatively and with both frustration and legitimate disgust. He flatly rejected the Graham-Flake-Durbin “compromise.”

“Why do we always favor immigration from  ‘s---hole’ countries,” he fumed.  “Why can’t we have more immigrants from countries like, say, Norway?”

It was a private meeting, a meeting between Trump and those six pro-amnesty senators. It was, to be precise, off the record. But no sooner had he vented his frustration in language that none of us probably would have used publicly or at a church meeting, than one of the senators (or senator’s aides) had, of course, “leaked” it to the avariciously anti-Trump media. You would have thought that those media announcers and pundits had just returned from an Evangelical revival meeting where they had all been “saved” and “washed in the Blood.” Or, that they were burnishing their memberships in the Womens’ Christian Temperance Union! The shock—the disgust—the horror—of hearing such a word uttered by the president! You just know that they have never heard such words before, that they’ve never watched HBO or Showtime or tuned into primetime television, or listened to the lyrics of many of the top rap songs playing incessantly on our radio stations….None those pure-as-the-driven-snow pundits would ever do that!

But it was not just that: no, for the media, the Democrats, and all sorts of bawling and scaredy-cat Republicans always on guard to avoid the fearsome charge of “racism,” it was the explicit and odious comparison between very successful countries (such as mostly white Norway) and failed states (such as mostly black Haiti) that revealed, once again for all to see, that deep, dark and dank “racist” mentality of Donald J. Trump! How dare he compare a Norway to a Haiti!

All the Social Justice Warriors (SJW) and professional anti-hate and anti-racist organizations jumped into the fray and into immediate action furiously releasing press releases and going on CNN, MSNBC and NBC to denounce in dripping scorn the president’s “racist sin.” Overseas, craven politically-correct, brain-dead leaders—our supposed allies—joined the mob. Saddiq Khan, mayor of the Peoples’ Democratic Socialist Commune of Londonistan (AKA, London), excoriated the president in his strongest, puffed up anti-racist “moralizing” terms.

Once again, just as after Charlottesville, President Trump had rubbed a nerve and stated a truth—a truth that even the most enmeshed-in-Marxist-muck SJWs would have to admit, were that SJW to be truly honest: while Norway is a successful constitutional monarchy, a nation where public order and law govern, where most citizens are gainfully employed and the social and political fabric is stable—countries like Haiti (and various countries in Africa that the “group of six” wanted the president to favor) are failed and dysfunctional states, wracked by intense poverty, characterized by social and political disorder,  with raging and unchecked criminality and an almost total lack of the necessary infrastructure necessary to succeed.

That is what the president was saying. It just so happens that it has been the nations of Europe historically, countries traditionally populated by Caucasians and civilized by them and by the historic Christian faith that gave birth to the American nation and to our basic institutions. That is not to say that other countries could not have provided a basis…indeed, although President Trump did not use them as examples, he could have very well made a comparison between, say, Japan or the Republic of China-Taiwan. He could have said, for example:

“Why do we always favor immigration from  ‘s---hole’ countries....Why can’t we have more immigrants from countries like, say, Taiwan or Japan?”

Would that have made a difference?  Probably not that much, for the main contention here from the SJWs and the ostentatiously politically correct politicians revolves around that first group of nations, which are in Latin America and Africa, and which are mostly inhabited by blacks and mixed race Latinos. Those are the very ethnic groups that have received in our modern Marxist-dominated Progressivist culture the special status of “most favored peoples” (MFP). And against whom, even with complete and total justification, any invidious comparison, any criticism, even with a huge body of statistics and data to back it up, is ipso facto “racism.”

Thus, the essential truth of Donald Trump’s privately expressed statement is passed over. His use of the locker-room expletive, when all the harrumph and false and hypocritical shock dissolves as those media and political personalities return home to catch the latest episode of filth-drenched primetime shows and movies, also recedes into the background.

The issue—the only real issue here for our dominant cultural Marxists and infected politicians—is racism and “white oppression” (one of two major societal narratives, other being “sexism”). That President Trump spoke the truth, and spoke it with the same kind of language that practically all the elites, whether in Hollywood or in DC, employ daily and delight in using (and imposing on our children from the earliest school grades), that he vented the same beliefs and understanding that millions of us know to be patently true and right, well, that has them all aghast, from the huffy Neocons on Fox (“I don’t believe he should have used that word,” “I believe he should apologize to Haitians,” said Republican Congressman Mia Love), to the outraged Democrats, demanding redress, that he grovel and ask for forgiveness for his grievous sin…of racism.

Representative Love, it wasn’t your overly expanded idea of racism that governed the president’s frustrated remark; it was the simple and undeniable fact countries like Haiti are dysfunctional, failed states, that countries like Mexico and Guatemala are crime-ridden and wracked by poverty, that immigrants from those countries are uniformly uneducated, unskilled and unassimilable, that public order and respect for the rule of  law—such as it is—is notably lacking in those countries, and that the kinds of traditions, culture and beliefs that helped create the United States are not generally present in those populations.

No; I would not use that locker-room word at a church meeting, nor with my nephews. And, yes, I wish the president had not used it (especially with such “culture traitors” as Graham and Flake lurking in the same room). But back in November of 2016 American voters elected a street-fighter, perhaps the only kind of fighter who could make a dent in the putrid and fetid political (and cultural) swamp that is defiling and destroying what is left of this historic nation.

Perhaps we figured out, after we had tried all the polite, pass-the-tea-and-donuts candidates (who had only enabled the rot), that to fight back it would take such a man who knew all about those dominant players who seek to control our lives and snuff out our history and pervert our traditions. After all he had lived in their midst for decades—and he knew how to combat them: go for the jugular, hit them hard in the gut where it hurts, and don’t apologize!

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