Friday, June 22, 2018

June 22, 2018

MY CORNER by Boyd Cathey

Those Leftist Crazies Are Wanting to Kill YOU


Usually I try to collect all the business that I must do in Raleigh into one day—one trip into North Carolina’s increasingly cosmopolitanized and rapidly de-Southernized capital city is about all I can stand these days: it’s become too much like just about any other homogenized, faceless metropolis in any other part of the country. Most of Raleigh’s historic and traditional charm and character has been erased and overawed by transplants and interlopers from “up North” and elsewhere who feel that their mission in life is to remake the Tar Heel State’s capital into a copy of the decaying cities they left behind! Unlike Columbia, South Carolina, Raleigh wasn’t burned by Sherman back in 1865, but the city fathers back then, I’m certain, would be appalled at what has happened since then to a once gracious Southern city. As the late wonderful Southern writer Tom Landess once said about modern-day Atlanta: “Where is Sherman when we really need him?”

When going into town I usually park in the public (for pay) lot across the street from where I used to be gainfully employed at the North Carolina State Archives. It’s a short block to the historic old North Carolina State Capitol (1840) and a short, usually pleasant walk to most any office or business downtown. Curiously, there are some, mostly newer residents of the capital city who live either out near Cary and Apex or way up in the northern extremes of the city, past the outer beltline, who have never even been “downtown” (when I was working downtown I used to get queries from persons who wanted to come to the Archives, but had no idea at all how to get there).

Anyway, I was making one of my mostly weekly forays into what has become for me “the heart of darkness,” and I parked my 2006 Kia Spectra in the public lot. The lot was nearly full of cars, and as I got out I viewed literally hundreds of mostly women, but a few men and children tagging along, all gaily vested in summertime outfits, many carrying placards and signs.

Almost immediately I was aware that these folks were protesters assembled in the capital city for some event, some protest, and from their signs—the ones I read—they were there to protest President Trump, his immigration policies, “police brutality,” failure to respond to purported “climate change,” “income inequality,” and a multiple of other causes, all on which I would say were on the Left, or better said, the Culturally Marxist Left.

One lady who walked by my car seemed to notice my state-issued Sons of Confederate Veterans license plate with its Battle Flag and the sticker I affixed to my car back in 2016: “Putin for President,” which always gets a few views and second-takes!

I smiled at her—as I was always taught to do by my good parents—and said “How’s it going?”  The lady (she probably wouldn’t have liked that word) responded: “I’m great.” Then she added almost immediately: “Why that racist license plate and that Putin bumper sticker?”

Now, let me describe this female: she could have passed for anyone’s favorite aunt. She seemed friendly enough. She had greying hair, large sun glasses, a smart-looking summer dress, and a large handbag. She could been on her way to vacation Bible school for all I knew. She was white and from her demeanor appeared to be middle or upper middle class. At the beginning of our short tete-a-tete she had one of those frozen plastic smiles on her face that you see on various store clerks or perhaps on a car salesman if he thinks you might purchase a vehicle from him. But when she opened her mouth and spoke, as my grandfather used to say, I knew “she won’t from around here!”

I responded to her question politely, with a smile on my face: “The license plate is state-issued, and it means that I am a member of the North Carolina Sons of Confederate Veterans, which is a heritage group defending our state’s traditions and history.”  And I added with a broader smile: “The Putin sticker is mainly there to provoke thought…and maybe conversation.”

I could tell from the lady’s expression that she wasn’t at all amused. “These are racist and fascist symbols!” she exclaimed, becoming perturbed as she spoke.

“Not really,” I responded. I tried to smile, but it was no use.

I changed the topic: “Are you here for a protest,” I asked. She answered: “Yes, I am with the North Carolina Peace Action Center. We believe in equality and peace, in pacifism. I’m a member of the United Church of Christ, and we believe in international brotherhood and social justice and the dignity and rights of the individual.” (I think that was what she said, but I am only summarizing her). “We are protesting fascism and racism, and demanding full equality and voting rights, and that our legislature take immediate action to stop upholding white privilege!”

At that point I understood that this brief conversation was going nowhere and that nothing I could say, other than forced pleasantries, would make matters better. So, I just smiled, hoping to quickly end the conversation. But I couldn’t help myself and had to say one last thing as I tried to get away: “Equality doesn’t exist in this world. Respectfully, I would suggest that all those cultural Marxist slogans you’re stating only end in much greater pain, hardship, and social disaster. Now, I must really go to my appointment. Nice to meet and talk with you.”

I thought that would end it, but it did not. And before I could steal away, she uttered in a rising crescendo: “You must be Trump supporter!” As I continued to move away from her, I nodded my head.

“Trump supporters are racists and F---ing fascists!” she angrily shouted.  There it was: from this respectable looking lady, who probably was around 60, certainly not impoverished (materially), most likely college or university-educated, a member (apparently active, as well) in an established mainline Protestant church—the “F-bomb,” uttered at a stranger, someone she had just casually met getting out of his car on a hot summer day in Raleigh, North Carolina. She had never seen me before (unless—extremely doubtful—she had attended a Confederate flag event!), she didn’t know my name—but she understood correctly that I was a “Trump supporter” in 2016, and obviously, with that Confederate license plate, well, then, I was the epitome, the symbol, of all that stood in the way of her goal of remaking America into a cultural Marxist utopia.

“Full equality?” And I was reminded of the “equality” pictured by various writers who had either experienced the Communist kind or who were wise enough to understand what it meant:  George Orwell’s depiction in his fanciful novel, Animal Farm, but even more aptly, perhaps in Arthur Koestler’s dystopian novel Darkness at Noon (1940), a thinly-veiled account of Stalin and his great purges, or even more, by the late Spanish traditionalist, Rafael Gambra, in his marvelous volume, El silencio de Dios (1967), which desperately needs an English translation.

I don’t think that protesting woman, despite her probable university training and membership in the UCC, would have fathomed anything those writers wrote, or understood anything they were saying.

What I found perhaps most disturbing in this short encounter—and something not even the Stalinists of old were that guilty of—was the near complete decline linguistically, in language. How had things in our society degenerated so far that a perfect stranger would, after less than two minutes of conversation, decide to unleash the “F-bomb” on me? Has our national discourse declined this far?

And, in reflecting, the answer is a definite “yes,” and all we need to do is make a cursory search online (or via the television) of just recent statements and imprecations uttered by the more noteworthy minions of the Left in American society. Just before I began writing this column, I was able to go online and find about fifteen instances in which the foulest four-letter words were spoken publicly, to national audiences, or to large groups of online recipients. Robert De Niro, anyone?

And, no, I do not accept the faux-argument that it was Donald Trump who began all this decline and abuse in the English language. This degradation was there in full force long before he ever became president—it was there in the dialogue sequences of almost every Hollywood block-buster since at least the 1980s. It was there on our college campuses, countenanced by the professoriate; it was there in our culture. All Donald Trump did was tear off the scab which thinly disguised the utter gutter mindset of our supposed political, cultural and educational arbiters. His unanticipated and unexpected presence in the White House infuriated and maddened them—forcing them, as the pus under those scabs, to come forth in all their oleaginous stench and foulness.

So, in this age of Donald Trump I should have expected that “peace demonstrator” I encountered—that self-proclaimed pacifist and social justice warrior advocating for “equality” and “justice”—to act exactly as she did. Her vaunted and repeated deep concern and desire for equality and for dialogue does not include me, or the millions like me—or you. Only if we repent continuously and contritely for our past sins, repent for the multiple sins of all our (white) ancestors, and for the white privilege we somehow enjoy (although I’ll bet my meagre retirement income is far less than that lady’s financial resources!), then there might be a very tiny glimmer of hope for us in that lady's view. And even then, with the goal of open borders and the long-range population replacement strategy of the Left, whatever I could say would assuredly mean little to her.

In the end, we are in an immense battle, a cultural war to the death, what Pat Buchanan wrote about and described back in 2002 with his volume The Death of the West, and in subsequent works—such as the brilliant Paul Gottfried has documented in his critical studies on the intellectual earthquake that has shaken Western European and American civilization to its foundations.

In the end, one side must win, and one side must lose. It is that simple.

And how that final conflict, that war to the death is fought is now an open question as never before, certainly since the assassination attempt on Representative Steve Scalise and the House Republicans or the attack by a Leftist crazy on the Family Research Council (after those professional “hate monitors” at the Southern Poverty Law Center had labeled it as a purveyor of “right wing hate”).

As I have said—and written more than once—the one advantage we have is that we don’t believe in gun control. Every neighbor I have out here in my lower middle class neighborhood in still-rural Eastern Wake County is armed with shotguns and .44s or .38s; while our opponents scream “gun control.” So, if and when their lunacy becomes too overpowering and they decide to march out this way looking for “fascists” and “racists” to hound, our target practice training will come in good use!

Let’em come!

And just a few examples of more visible and national Leftist lunacy unleashed (I have attempted to catch some of the more egregious uses of four letter words):


Police: Florida Man Threatened to Kill Rep. Brian Mast’s Children over Trump Policy

by Joshua Caplan   20 Jun 2018

Laurence Key of Stuart, Florida was arrested Tuesday after allegedly threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) and his three young children over the Trump administration’s immigration policy.

Key reportedly phoned Rep. Mast’s D.C. office on Monday, warning the intern who received the call that he was going to “find the congressman’s kids and kill them,” say court documents filed in U.S. District Court.

“If you are going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids,” Key said in one of 478 calls to Mast’s office, according to the filings. Key also allegedly contacted Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio.

“Key told an FBI investigator and Martin County sheriff’s deputy he never threatened to kill Mast’s children, but admitted he said ‘Mast should be separated from his kids’ if he supported the Trump administration policy,” reports Treasure Coast Palm.

The Stuart man was charged with threatening to kidnap or injure a person and is scheduled for arraignment on July 2 in St. Lucie County, Florida.

Rep. Mast, an Army veteran who lost both his legs while serving in Afghanistan, has not issued a statement on the incident.

Actor Peter Fonda: ‘Rip Barron Trump From His Mother… Put Him in Cage With Pedophiles’

By John Nolte  20 Jun 2018

Oscar-nominated actor Peter Fonda called on a mob to “rip Barron Trump from his mother’s arms and put him in a cage with pedophiles.”

Barron Trump, the young son of the president and first lady, is just 12-years-old.

But this is what hysterical Leftist actor Peter Fonda said about him:


Fonda also called on a mob of 90 million to surround schools attended by the children of ICE agents in order to “scare the sh-t out of them and worry the f--k out of the agents” and to “make their children worry.”

Sounds great. We don’t have to take the agents kids, we only need to surround their schools and scare the sh-t out of them and worry the f--k out of the agents frm CBE ICE & REGULAR BORDER PATROL AGENTS. WE NEED TO SCARE THE F--K OUT OF THEM! NEED TO MAKE THEIR CHILDREN WORRY NOW

— Peter Henry Fonda (@iamfonda) June 20, 2018

“Wanna stop this f--king monster,” Fonda wrote in another tweet, referring to President Trump, “90 million people in the streets on the same weekend! These Republican assholes are all in on it! The chief asshole is happy we are all very upset. we have to get even more angry with these Republicans.”


Fonda added that this massive protest would need to be made to look spontaneous, not like something that had been organized by elitists like himself.

“This must be like a spontaneous event without seeming to be organized by me and we have to make this happen NOW,” the 78-year-old wrote.

Peter Henry Fonda   @iamfonda   It’s more than a protest! 90 million people in the streets on the same weekend works. I can’t be the organizer for they’ll arrest me for conspiracy to commit sedition. This must be like a spontaneous event without seeming to be organized by me and we have to make this happen NOW

As of yet, there is no indication Twitter has taken any action against Fonda, even though the left-wing actor has violated numerous Twitter policies with his call for mob violence against a child, his call for a mob to kidnap the President of the United States’ child and put him in a cage with the specific purpose of having this 12-year-old child gang-raped.

Fonda also went on a sexist jihad against White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of Homeland Security. Using the sexist slut “gash,” and adding that “‘gash’ is much worse than cunt,” Fonda called for violence against both.

“Maybe we should take her children away and deport her to Arkansas, and giving her children to Stephen Goebbels Miller for safe keeping,” he said of Sanders.

SS (Sarah Sanders) is a lying gash, too. And “gash” is much worse than cunt. Maybe we should take her children away and deport her to Arkansas, and giving her children to Stephen Goebbels Miller for safe keeping.

— Peter Henry Fonda (@iamfonda) June 19, 2018  “Kristjen Nielsen is a lying gash that should be put in a cage and poked at by passersby. The gash should be pilloried in Lafayette Square naked and whipped by passersby while being filmed for posterity,” Fonda tweeted.

Fonda’s call to strip Nielsen naked and publicly whip her was cheered on by Nancy Sinatra:

 — Nancy Sinatra (@NancySinatra) June 19, 2018

   “Say how you really feel, Blues baby.” ♥️🌊

Josh Fox, a left-wing documentary director who has also been nominated for an Oscar, registered his approval of Fonda’s tweets:

Yo. @iamfonda is on fire right now. God bless him. Check out his whole feed rn. — Josh Fox (@joshfoxfilm) June 20, 2018

A good faith search of Fonda’s Twitter account and prior statements reveal no record him protesting former President Barack Obama separating border children. In his defense, Fonda might not have known Obama was separating children from parents at the border because the establishment media covered this fact up for eight long years.

Another issue worth mentioning is that one of the reasons children are being separated from adults at the border, is to PROTECT them from the sex traffickers who use their underage prey as a golden ticket into America. The whole idea of Trump’s zero tolerance policy is to finally put an end to “catch and release,” a policy that incentivizes the exploitation of  young children in the worst ways imaginable.

Why Fonda believes having Barron Trump raped would teach Trump a lesson when Trump is already walking through media hell in order to protect border children from sex-traffickers, only proves the establishment media have achieved their goal of deceiving the American people with fake news.

Police: Florida Man Threatened to Kill Rep. Brian Mast’s Children over Trump Policy

by Joshua Caplan   20 Jun 2018

Laurence Key of Stuart, Florida was arrested Tuesday after allegedly threatening to kill Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) and his three young children over the Trump administration’s immigration policy.

Key reportedly phoned Rep. Mast’s D.C. office on Monday, warning the intern who received the call that he was going to “find the congressman’s kids and kill them,” say court documents filed in U.S. District Court.

“If you are going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids,” Key said in one of 478 calls to Mast’s office, according to the filings. Key also allegedly contacted Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio.

“Key told an FBI investigator and Martin County sheriff’s deputy he never threatened to kill Mast’s children, but admitted he said ‘Mast should be separated from his kids’ if he supported the Trump administration policy,” reports Treasure Coast Palm.

The Stuart man was charged with threatening to kidnap or injure a person and is scheduled for arraignment on July 2 in St. Lucie County, Florida.

Rep. Mast, an Army veteran who lost both his legs while serving in Afghanistan, has not issued a statement on the incident.

WATCH – Activists Shouting ‘No Borders! No Walls!’ Harass DHS Sec. Nielsen at Restaurant

By John Binder    19 Jun 2018Washington, D.C.

A group of open borders activists harassed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a Washington, D.C. restaurant on Tuesday evening.

Members of the group “Democratic Socialists of America” (DSA) chanted “No borders! No walls! Sanctuary for all!” at Nielsen as she sat with bodyguards eating dinner at D.C.’s MXDC.

Watch the incident here:

The activists can be heard chanting “Shame! Shame! Shame!” while other open borders activists taunted Nielsen, shouting “Aren’t you a mother too?” and “How does that make you feel?”

“Kirstjen Nielsen, you’re a villain! Lock her up!” the activists continued chanting.

Smash Racism DC@SmashRacismDC   Part one of a video of @mdc_dsa @DC_IWW and others shouting DHS Secretary Nielsen out of a restaurant. She doesn’t need to be kidnapping #immigrantchildren to deserve this treatment. Don’t give the regime a moment of rest. #KeepFamilesTogether 8:39 PM - Jun 19, 2018

Smash Racism DC@SmashRacismDC  19 Jun  Part one of a video of @mdc_dsa @DC_IWW and others shouting DHS Secretary Nielsen out of a restaurant. She doesn’t need to be kidnapping #immigrantchildren to deserve this treatment. Don’t give the regime a moment of rest. #KeepFamilesTogether

Eventually, Nielsen was forced out of the restaurant after the targeted harassment and bullying.

Osita Nwanevu@OsitaNwanevu  DHS Secretary Nielsen just got driven out of a Mexican restaurant here on 14th Street by activists. DSA, I believe. 8:20 PM - Jun 19, 2018

“We will not stand by and let Secretary Nielsen dine in peace, while she is directing her employees to tear little girls away from their mothers and crying boys away from their fathers at our border,” said Margaret McLaughlin, a member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America Steering Committee, in an email to media.

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